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Hemp leafs and buds (leafs, flowers, seeds)

Hemp leafs and buds (flowers, leafs and hemp seeds) were grown and hand-picked in ecological agriculture in Czech Republic. Tea made out of hemp tea relaxes body and mind and has no psychoactive effects.

Hemp tea - leafs and buds, 30g

Cod SKU: Cannad.001
Stoc epuizat
  • Prepare as a regular tea – pour about 3l of boiling water over 1tbsp. of tea and let it steep for about 3-5 minutes. 

    For a stronger tea variety you are going to need 2g of buds and leafs, teaspoon of butter and honey or sugar as to your preference. Put the comminuted hemp in the baking tray and leave it for 10 minutes in the oven on 100°C. Then place the hemp into a metal pot, pour some water over, add butter and cook for about 15 minutes. Drain through a sift, eventually sweeten. In case you sweeten your tea with sugar it is possible to store the tea in a tightly closed bottle for a week in the fridge. 

    You may use this tea also as a seasoning while cooking. Fry it on butter or oil while preparing warm cousine dishes. Healing substance dissolve in fats and the will be released during cooking in your dish. Dried hemp is being used in the same way as oregano or thyme.


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